Insights, Notes & Briefs
Insight | December 5, 2018
The Major Challenge of Inadequate U.S. Housing Supply
In the last 10 years, since the Great Recession, the economy has expanded greatly, but the housing market still has not recovered. Since 2011, residential housing construction has increased, but only gradually. More
Insight | June 28, 2018
Locked Out? Are Rising Housing Costs Barring Young Adults from Buying their First Homes?
Freddie Mac research reveals that higher rents and home prices are the primary reason behind the eight percent decrease in the homeownership rate among young adults (under age 35) since the rate's peak in 2004. What does the future hold for tomorrow's young adults? More
Insight | April 17, 2018
Why Are Consumers Leaving Money On The Table?
One call could save you $1,500. More
Insight | April 11, 2018
How Big a Difference Do Restricted Rents Make?
Multifamily explores how the rapid rise in rents over the past several years has hit lower-income renters hard. More
Insight | March 16, 2018
Why is Adulting Getting Harder? Young Adults and Household Formation
Young adults of this era lead lives quite different from earlier generations. Compared to older generations, as a group they have been slow to reach life milestones... More
Insight | February 23, 2018
Nowhere to go but up? How increasing mortgage rates could affect housing
We're in an era of historically low mortgage interest rates and the expectation is that interest rates have nowhere to go but up. But how quickly will rates increase and... More