Insights, Notes & Briefs
Research Note | February 8, 2021
Mortgage Forbearance and Performance during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the COVID-19 crisis, mortgage forbearance plans have played an important role in helping households manage their finances by providing short-term liquidity to mortgage borrowers. Mortgage forbearance plans temporarily remove the obligation of borrowers to make their monthly mortgage payment. More
Insight | January 28, 2021
U.S. Population Growth: Where is housing demand strongest?
What is the main driver of demand for housing in the United States? The answer is simple: people. The American population is a diverse group with multifaceted and individualistic housing needs. More
Insight | November 17, 2020
Mortgage Forbearance Rates during the COVID-19 Crisis
Bob and Jane purchased their home three years ago. Now, in the midst of the pandemic, Jane is furloughed from her job as a purchasing manager, and Bob is working fewer hours as a mechanic. They are wondering how long their savings will last. Postponing mortgage payments would make their reserves hold out a lot longer. More
Research Note | September 10, 2020
Unravelling Perceptions of Flood Risk: Examining Changes in Home Prices in Harris County, Texas in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
If you want to buy a home, is living near the water on your wish list? If so, how much do you worry about flooding? More
Insight | July 16, 2020
Granny Flats, Garage Apartments, In-Law Suites: Identifying Accessory Dwelling Units from Real Estate Listing Descriptions Using Text Mining
As the nation’s affordable housing crisis intensifies, there is a growing movement in high-cost areas for the legalization and expansion of accessory dwelling units (ADUs)—also referred to as granny flats, garage apartments, and in-law suites. More
Research Note | July 6, 2020
Refinance Trends in the First Quarter of 2020
American homeowners have many options when it comes to mortgage financing. Most homeowners with a mortgage opt for a fully pre-payable 30-year fixed rate mortgage. The fixed rate locks in a fixed payment for the life of the loan, while the 30-year term lowers the required monthly payment. More